Data type-independent read function

bool readAnything(uint32_t _addr, T &data, bool fastRead = false)

Parameters Mandatory & Optional

uint32_t _addr

Address in memory where the data is to be read from. Mandatory

T &data

Variable to save the data to. Mandatory

bool fastRead

Refer to Advanced use Optional

What it does

Reads any type of variable / struct (any sized value) (starting) from a specific address and saves it to the variable T& data provided as an argument.

Returns boolean

Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if unsuccessful


This function can be used to replace any of the other read functions (except readByteArray() and readCharArray()). However, if used for anything other than structs, this function runs slower than the data type-specific ones.

Example code:

#include <SPIMemory.h>

SPIFlash flash;

struct testStruct {
  uint8_t _byte = 8;
  uint16_t _int = 269;
  uint32_t _long = 99432;
  float _float = 3.14;
  String _str = "This is a test string";
  uint8_t _array[8] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
} dataIn;
uint32_t _address;

void setup() {
  _address = flash.getAddress(sizeof(dataIn));
  Serial.print(F("Address = "));
  if (!flash.readAnything(_address, dataIn)) { // Function is used to get the data from
                                             // address '_address' and save it to the struct 'test'
  else {

void loop() {